- Cantoratum Novellum, Quem [...] Andreas Theseus [...] Cantor & Collega Gymn. Gorl. [...] Natus Boleslav. Anno (I) I) XCIX. d. 15. Aug. Denatus Gorlic. Anno (I) I)( LXXIV. d. 25. Jan. Uraniae in Angelico hodie Choro [...] tenet /gratantur Gymnasii Gorlic. Magistri [...].
Object's details: Cantoratum Novellum, Quem [...] Andreas Theseus [...] Cantor & Collega Gymn. Gorl. [...] Natus Boleslav. Anno (I) I) XCIX. d. 15. Aug. Denatus Gorlic. Anno (I) I)( LXXIV. d. 25. Jan. Uraniae in Angelico hodie Choro [...] tenet /gratantur Gymnasii Gorlic. Magistri [...].
[klocek: 444076-444123].
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- Creation date: 2012-04-11
- Last modification date: 2022-08-30
- Content object's number of views: 495
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See also
Sermon und Gesänge Auff den tödlichen Hintriett Deß [...] H. Johann Rößners [...] von etlichen deß gutten Freunden gehalten und praesentiret.
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Creator:Woysznarowicz, Kasimir Johann -1680
Memoria Viri Admodum Reverendi [...] Joannis Affelmanni [...] / celebrata ab Ernesto Coccio [...].
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